Fabulous First Day!


The adventure has begun! I could not have asked for a better day. I had set an alarm for 5 am but woke up at 4 am and after unsuccessfully trying to go back to sleep, I decided to just get up and get going! The truck was all packed so after a quick shower, a cup of coffee, and sleepy good-bye’s to Steve and Dexter, I was on the road at 5. My route was a pretty straight shot across Massachusetts and New York State on I90. There was a bit of fog in the early morning but that burned off as the day progressed and the sun was warm in a brilliant blue sky. Traffic was light and I ran into very little construction so I made pretty good time.
I’ve been battling chronic back and leg pain so I had to stop every hour to hour and a half to stretch and walk around. This condition has really flared up in recent weeks and sitting in the car seems to be the worst thing for it.  I’ve dealt with disc problems on and off for years and was definitely frustrated by the timing of this flare-up. I was nervous about how things were going to go today but I actually managed much better today than I have in weeks. I pulled out every trick I knew:  compression socks, back brace, knee brace, adjusting the angle of the seat, and used a low back pillow. All those things combined seemed to have a good effect. I can sit for about an hour and a half before I need to get up and move around. Once I do, though, the pain abates and I’m good for another hour of sitting. Oh well, such is life. I’m determined and stubborn and so I find a way to make it work. Where there is a will…there is a way!

The day was a cool 44 F when I left Ashland and warmed to only 64 F, a lovely early fall day. Several flocks of geese flew along the highway with me in their characteristic V formation gathering for their journey south. The sight of them always makes me dream of far off places, so it was quite fitting that they were guiding me today.  I also spotted a Great Blue Heron in a marsh beside the highway, and a bit down the road a snowy White Egret was fishing for breakfast. A large hawk perched in a tree looking for field mice and I also caught a glimpse of beautiful scarlet Cardinal as he darted across the road.

The most exciting thing I saw on the highway today thoug There is a dedicated thread on the Escape Trailer forum for just such sightings.  Escape trailers are custom made in very small quantities in the Pacific Northwest so they can be a rare sight here in the Northeast. It was a  treat to glimpse one out in its natural habitat and I took it as a rather auspicious sign to see one on the first day of my trip! Here’s a shout out to the Escape 19 with green graphics traveling Eastbound on I90 mile marker 318 (just past the Junius Ponds Service Area in NY) at 10:25 am today, Happy Trails!

Even with frequent stops I made good time and crossed Rainbow Bridge into Canada at about 1:15 pm. There were no lines at the border so I breezed right through. I made my way to the hotel which is about 3 miles from the falls. The hotel manager gave me a 24-hour bus pass so I was able to hop on the WeGo bus and ride down to the falls in comfort!

They were just as beautiful as I remembered and I enjoyed walking along the boardwalk watching the falls, the birds, and the boats. When I reached the end of the boardwalk I was graced with a beautiful full rainbow! It just doesn’t get any better than that and yes, I took it as yet another auspicious sign! When my parents traveled in their trailer it was during the era of CB radios and my Mom’s name on the radio (her “handle”) was Rainbow! Thanks Mom!

I had a nice big meal at the cafe overlooking the falls to round out the day, then walked the boardwalk again and visited the Queen Victoria Park and Gardens on my way back to the bus stop. A short ride brought me back to the hotel where I’m tucked in for the night. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble sleeping tonight… Enjoy the photos and I’ll see you tomorrow in St. Ignace Michigan!

p.s.  Did you know it’s Canada’s 150th Anniversary?

Categories: Activities, Life On The Road, Locations, Travel TrailerTags: , , , , , ,


  1. Great photos!! We are a day behind you traveling with Dora and Fred to the Niagara Wine Escape. We are all so excited for you on this adventure!!


  2. Looks like a beautiful way to start! Love the photos! Happy Trails indeed. xoxo J


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