Big Sky Country and Mountain Passes


Today was filled with sunshine, mountain ranges, and snow!
I left Billings on I90 about  8 AM after sleeping in a bit. I woke at my usual 4:30 AM but turned on the white noise app on my phone and read for a bit then drifted back to sleep. As soon as I got on the highway I could see the beautiful snow-capped mountain ranges ahead of me. I spent most of the day shouting “smile” at my camera to activate the shutter in the feeble attempt to capture the beauty around me to share with you. The landscape here is spectacular! The road took me up and through those mountain passes where I found almost a foot of snow, then down the other side to the Bitterroot Valley (any John Denver fans??). I crossed the Continental Divide where the elevation was 6393. I’m now rolling towards the Pacific!

I made a stop in Bozeman around mid-day and visited the Montana Woolen Shop. There was a sign advertising this place on the highway and I took a chance it would be open. I was thinking perhaps they would have wool yarn, but the store instead specialized in clothing, rugs, and blankets. I bought a nice Woolrich blanket for Wild Thing.  The nights get cold out west!

It was 38 degrees when I left Billings this morning. The temperature dropped to the mid 30’s at the top of the mountains, then warmed up again to 65 here in the valley.

Along the way today I saw quite a variety of wildlife. Two beautiful deer were grazing along the edge of a farmer’s well irrigated and tended field of crops. I saw a big wild turkey and several hawks. A beautiful red fox crossed the road right in front of my truck as I barreled down the highway at 80 (yes, that’s the speed limit here!). He was magnificent! Large and seemingly well fed with a spectacular coat and tail, he loped across the road like he owned the place, well, I guess maybe he kind of does!

I’ve also been seeing plenty of Magpies. I haven’t gotten any pictures yet but here is a photo from the web. These birds are quite beautiful as they dart around flashing that eye-catching plumage.

It’s been a full week that I’ve been on the road and I have sure packed a lot into my days! In two more days, I’ll reach my destination and finish the final preparations for Wild Thing. I’m ready!

Miles today: 358.  Total Trip Miles: 2779  Miles left to destination: 577

Enjoy the photos I took today and I’ll see you tomorrow! (Note: Click on photos to open large gallery)

(Note: Click on photos to open large gallery)



Categories: Life On The Road, LocationsTags: , , , , , , ,


  1. Dontcha just love that endless sky??Beautiful country!!
    Btw. It was 83 in Niagara Falls Ontario today!
    577 more mikes to go go!!!! Whoot whoot !!!!


  2. “Oh Montana Give This Child A Home”. I would have been singing John Denver at the top of my lungs looking at that sky!! What beautiful country and SNOW! Yikes did you know that was coming??


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