New Build Photos, Montana, Idaho, and Washington

I started this morning, day 8,  heading for the hills of Montana…

Montaña del Norte was the name given to the entire mountainous region of the west and the name Montana is derived from this Spanish phrase meaning Northern Mountains. This morning’s drive was through, around, and over some of these beautiful ranges.

Unfortunately, it was raining and foggy so the drive required much more focus and care than any other day of this trip. The steep grades and winding curves led me through Montana and across Idaho into Washington State.  Another time change at the Idaho border brings me to 3 hours behind the east coast. Not much wildlife out today, just a few hawks. The other animals must have been cozied up to stay out of the weather.

Once I came down out of the mountains, the landscape changed dramatically.

As I approached Ellensburg, Wa my destination for the night, I began to see the landscape change again, this time into rolling soft hills.

I found a scenic area that provided a great place to stretch my legs, enjoy the view, and snap a few photos.  A nice gentleman offered to take my photo so there are a few without the selfie stick today! Thank you!

I also want to give a shout out to Rich at I received word on Friday that the Cellular Booster Antenna I had provided Escape Trailer Industries to install on Wild Thing had not included the cable. Drat! Of course, it’s not just ANY cable. It’s an Ultra Low Loss Coaxial Cable with FME-Female and N-Male end connectors. Try to say that three times fast! Amazon had one but it was not listed with Prime service and I could not reach the vendor to expedite shipping. had the cable I need and their customer service rep Rich was most helpful. But where to ship it? I’m on the road and I didn’t want to pay to ship it to Escape Trailer Industries in Canada. to the rescue! This mail service center in Sumas, Wa will receive the package on my behalf and I will pick it up from them on Wed afternoon. The service will cost me $4.00 but that’s a pretty small price to pay to get this job done.  Don’t you just love the internet?

I saw another Escape Trailer today on I90 in Washington at mile marker 217. An Escape 19 with blue graphics. Hi, fellow Escapee!

I stopped for a late lunch/early supper at a cute place called the Red Horse Diner. It was decorated with vintage signs from gas stations.  As I gazed out the window waiting for my food I saw a large bust of a Native American across the highway. He must be my Spirit Guide for today!

I received more photos today of the progress on Wild Thing! She has windows and doors, cabinets and kitchen countertops and her awning. I have dark blue screw covers for the kitchen countertop that I’ll install when I get there instead of the tan ones you see there now. Details, Details, Details… It won’t be long now until she’s complete!

I can’t believe I’ve made it all the way to the West Coast! Tomorrow I have a short drive (4 hours/210 miles) to Sumas Mini Storage to drop off some of my stuff, then across the border and up to Chilliwack. Wednesday the hitch will be installed on the truck and I’ll scoot back to Sumas to get the cable. Thursday I will rest and clean up any remaining details, then Friday it’s time for Trailer Orientation and Delivery of the Wild Thing! I am one lucky (and very blessed) girl!

Categories: Life On The Road, Locations, Money Matters, Practicalities, Resources, Reviews, Trailer Build, Travel TrailerTags: , , ,


  1. Yay YOU!!! We’ve been with you all the way!! Great troubleshooting with the cable!!Almost there!!! You. Go. Girl!!!


  2. Wow! You are almost there! Great snaps today, love the Spirit Guide!


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