Studying, Supplying, and New Friends!

I’m a bit late in writing tonight. It was another full day! I did sleep in and lounge around a bit this morning. It was another sunny day here in Bothell, WA with temps pleasantly in the 70’s. I spent several hours pouring over and studying the stack of manuals that came with the camper. There is a lot of new information to take in so I’m sure this will be an ongoing process. I’m not great at retaining info so repetition is my saving grace. I’ll say it again, repetition is my saving grace. I have to read things over several times before it sinks in. Even then, I often can’t recall exactly what I’ve read but at least I know where to go to get the information!

After I saturated my brain with new information, I took a break and went shopping for the little bits I had forgotten (dishwashing liquid!) or that I didn’t want to purchase until I was in the camper. Paper towels, hand soap, cleaning products, Britta Pitcher, rugs, and storage bins for cabinets. When your stuff lives in a travel trailer, it needs to be corralled in a box, bin, or basket. Things rock and roll as the trailer bumps down the road so loose item (especially bottles!) are a no-no. I’ve got lots of great storage areas in this camper so it’s been easy for me to find a place for everything. I’m still fine-tuning the placement of things and will probably re-arrange several times, but I’ve made a start today.


Driving home from my shopping I saw a rainbow in a blue sky. There were a few wispy clouds but no threat of  rain! Now that’s a good omen…a Rainbow on a Sunny Day!

As promised, here are some snaps of the Wild Thing!

Exterior Shots:

Here’s some interior shots:






As I was finishing up this post, I had my first house guests this evening! Don and Sandy from Austin Texas are camping next to me and stopped by to see the trailer and chat. We had a wonderful time getting acquainted over a bottle of wine! It was such a gift to meet this wonderful couple. We found that we have much in common and had a memorable evening. I’m fortunate to have met them and look forward to more adventures together down the road!

Categories: Companions, customization, Practicalities, UncategorizedTags: , , , , ,


  1. I must say your little home is sooo cute! Love all the colors everywhere. I Would Not want to have to read those manuals, snooze fest! Do you have a guest book to start collecting your new friends info? That could be quite a Christmas card list.Happy happy, joy joy!


  2. Looks great! Everything so shining and new. And matches. Ours is early garage sale decor, but functional just the same. Glad the weather is holding as you practice before hitting the road again. Love it!


    • So good to hear from you sister! The interior came out so well. Im looking forward to accessorizing with quirky garage sale finds along the way. I also want to sew some pillows, storage bins, and put up some kind of privacy curtain across the loft area. Those will be projects for this winter! I’ve been so fortunate weatherwise. Cold last night, 36, but I stayed toasty warm. Snow forecast here next week…I’m glad I’ll miss it!


  3. One can never have too many girlfriends . . . especially girlfriends with a travel trailer, too! Hugs!


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