Snowy Day, Cactus Garden, Walk Along the Rio Grande, Fort Selden

The desert is a place of extremes and contrasts. I woke this morning and it was cool with a few clouds. I went for a walk through the cactus garden near the visitor center and took these photos of the different types of cactus.

Back at the camper the cloud started rolling in and the temperature dropped and it begin to snow! Dexter and I decided it was best to snuggle in and work on the quilt a bit.

The snow didn’t stick to the ground but it was impressive to see the big fat flakes! After lunch, it looked like it was going to clear off so Dexter and I headed out for a walk down the Mogollon Trail. The clouds were starting to roll back in and the snow came back but we managed a good walk despite the weather.

We both enjoyed an afternoon nap and then the sun began to come out again in the clouds cleared. I took a drive to Fort Selden just a few miles down the road. The fort was constructed of adobe and the desert climate has reduced it ruins. In the late 1800s it was a military outpost in Apache country. Douglas MacArthur stayed at this fort with his family when he was a boy. There was a nice visitors center with some interesting artifacts.

As the sun set, the clouds began to roll back in. The camp host came around to inform me that they were shutting the water off. It’s going to get down to 18 degrees tonight! Brrr!

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Hi Sarah!The “Respect the Rattlesnakes…” is the best stay on the trail side ever!
    Hello to Dexter,
    Pat B.


  2. I am so enjoying your trip! I have sent one to my family who will be heading to AZ from IL after Christmas. I’m sure they will love to stop at some of these places.


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