Art Projects, Wizard of Oz, Homemade Pizza, and Hurts Doughnuts

It’s 10:45 p.m., and after a full day with the Jones family, I’m settled back in the camper and beginning to repack things for my journey tomorrow. It was a full and fun day with lots of fun and laughter! Dexter and I arrived at the Jones house in Tulsa about 10:30 this morning. The kids were eager to share with me some of the art projects they’ve done over the past year and to spend some time drawing together.
Last year when the kids visited Steve and me, we went for a long walk in a park. Jane picked up sticks and branches and brought them home. She used these to create these wonderful art pieces with the kids.  The branches she collected on our walk were used to form the outer circle and then yarn and ribbons were woven to create the trunk and the tops of the trees. What a wonderful way to preserve the memory and to enjoy a craft project with the kids. Each tree is so unique, reflecting the personality of the individual child.

Another art project they completed last year were hand-painted Russian Matryoshka Dolls.  Roman’s, of course, were decorated as Apple Corporate Executives!


Then they got creative with the stacking aspect of the dolls!

And of course, that disintegrated further into the sillies! Always so much fun with this crowd!

No day is complete with kids without an injury…Poor Colin wrenched his ankle. It required ice and a few minutes of elevation before he was over it and back to his bouncy self!

Dexter is adjusting so well to the increased activity in his life. He and Chewy, the family Newfoundland, behaved very well together again today. Dexter even let little miss Laurel hold him!

Laurel wanted me to draw her a monkey eating a banana from a photo she found online so we sketched it out. The splotches on the side are Chewy Kisses!


Laurel then drew her own chimpanzee!

She is doing so well!

Jane fixed us lovely picnic lunch and we went to the local park to enjoy it and a romp at the playground. Dexter enjoyed running and playing the chase game with the kids, barking at other dogs, and chasing leaves.

After all the excitement of the morning it was time for a little quiet,  so we snuggle down on the couch to watch The Wizard of Oz. Jane let me use her washer and dryer so I got my laundry all caught up while we enjoyed the movie. It’s nice to have that chore out of the way.

Jane has been knitting a beautiful lace scarf and it had gone a bit awry. She was having difficulty getting it back on track and I was able to help her sort it out. She’s now ready to pick up where she left off and continue with this stunning piece! What beautiful work she is doing!


I was treated to Jane’s famous homemade pizza for dinner. The crust was amazing, it was light and fluffy and so flavorful. For dessert, we had Hurts Donuts, a family favorite. This small company started a with a few stores in Missouri and now has one store here in Oklahoma. The donuts are so good, they’re almost like having cake. Each one is a unique flavor! Mine was a chocolate cake donut covered with Butterfinger Crumbles. Yummy! It was worth the splurge!

Dexter and I are both pretty tuckered out after such a full an exciting day and we’re looking forward to a quiet sleep here at the campground. We are the only campers left in the park after the busy holiday weekend except for one permanent resident and the Camp Host. Tomorrow morning I’ll get this buggy hitched up to the truck and head on down to Burleson Texas! Yee Haw!

Categories: Activities, Art, Artistic Endeavors, Companions, Eating on the Road, Entertainment, Family, Life On The Road, Locations, PackingTags: , , , , , ,


  1. What a wonderful description of a fabulous day!! We are so thankful that you were able to come for this visit! We already miss you!


    • Jane, I so thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with you and your family. You and Richard are such awesome parents and the kids are such fun to spend time with! Thank you for an awesome time!


  2. It sounds like your trip is off to a great start! Yesterday sounded like a day to remember !


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