“Always Sadde Your Own Horse”

“Always Saddle Your Own Horse” is a quote made famous by an original Texas Cowgirl, Connie Reeves, who was still riding her horse every day at age 101! You can read about her life in the NY Times tribute published shortly after her passing in 2003. Connie was just one of the over 200 strong, independent women inducted into the Cowgirl Hall of Fame at the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame in Fort Worth, Texas where I spent several happy hours today! After being greeted by Ingrid Reynolds at the door, I wandered the exhibit halls spread out over two floors of this beautiful museum. Currently on display is a stunning photographic exhibit by Constance Jaeggi entitled “Aspects of Power, Light, and Motion”.  This dynamic body of work captures the beauty and artistry of horses. My snapshots of her photos do not do them justice but will provide you a tiny peek into the exceptional beauty of her photographs. Please visit her website to view quality images of her work.
I took some photos of the costumes, displays, and artifacts in this gorgeous museum to share with you. If you are ever in the area, I would highly recommend a visit!

Ingrid shared with me that there was a horse competition in progress in the arena across the street, the National Cutting Horse Association 2017 World Championships, that was open to the public. I wandered over and was able to capture a few photos and a video to share with you. It was so interesting watching these horses and riders work the cattle to “cut” specific ones from the herd and move the cattle with precision.

There was also a building with vendors to augment the show offering tack, boots, clothing, tractors, hats, blankets, trailers you name it! Anything horse related was there. There was a gigantic trailer to house people and their 3 horses while traveling on the road, complete with a tack room! Wild Thing would have fit in this trailer at least 4 times. You know you are a real Texan when you live with your livestock and your toilet matches your couch…I’ll let the photos speak for themselves!

Dexter was happy to see me when I arrived back at the camper and we took a long walk before I settled in to process the photos. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into the wonders of the west!

National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, Fort Worth Texas:

(hint: click on photos to start slide show)

Constance Jaeggi Exhibit at the Cowgirl Museum:

NCHA 2017 Competition Fort Worth, Texas:


Vendor Wares at the National Cutting Horse Association Competition, Fort Worth Texas


Categories: Activities, Art, Entertainment, Life On The Road, Locations, Travel TrailerTags: ,

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