Gettin’ My Girl On, Family Time, Rosas Cafe with Rose!

I spent this morning shuffling things around in the camper. The more time I spend in her, the more I see how things can be better arranged. I also labeled some of my bins so I know what is stored where!

I had a shopping list to fill, so I set out for Burleson just after lunch. At the top of my list was makeup. I forgot my makeup kit at home and it hadn’t bothered me until I got to Texas! A girl can’t do without her beauty aids here in the Lone Star State…especially with company coming! The helpful staff at Ulta Beauty helped me “get my girl on”! Thanks especially to Tanner, I’m now ready for anything!

A quick stop at Walmart for bottled water, Dr. Pepper, and a broom rounded out the errands. I didn’t think I needed a broom in the camper. It’s small enough that I can just clean the floor with a small whisk broom and a cloth, but I realize that I need a broom for the exterior. Often the area around the door of the camper is littered with leaves and branches and an outside broom would make it easy to tidy up the campsite so I don’t track stuff inside.

Dexter and I took a nice walk while we waited for our company. This brilliant tree against the clear sky caught my eye…Auburn Leaves and Blue Sky.

My brother John and his wife Tracy arrived just before 5. We had a nice time catching up and they love the Wild Thing! They have a camper of their own and keep it parked in Matagorda, TX on the coast. I will have to visit them there someday!

John drove us to meet their daughter, my niece Robyn, her husband James, and their (adorable!) daughter Rose! We met at a gymnastics facility where Rose was taking her weekly lesson. She is quite a talented soon-to-be-4 year old! It was fun to watch her tumbling around, she is so full of life and joy!

After gymnastics, we met up at Rosa’s Cafe and Tortilla Factory for a little Mexican food. I have been craving so good southwestern Mexican food and this was a delicious dinner filled with stories and laughter. It’s so good to catch up with family!


Two beautiful girls with Auburn Hair and Blue Eyes!

Tomorrow I’ll hitch up and head south. I’m meeting my friend Vonessa in Waco for coffee on my way through, then driving on to Kerrville where I’ll set up camp at the Kerrville-Shriner State Park. Tomorrow night I’m meeting my friend Janice for dinner. I’m so blessed to have this opportunity to catch up with so many people I care about!

Categories: Activities, Companions, Eating on the Road, Entertainment, Family, Itinerary, Life On The Road, LocationsTags: , , , , , , , ,


  1. Kerrville is where my mom, dad and sister plan on living .Sounds like you are having a wonderful time.


  2. So glad you have so many people to connect with, how fun!


  3. It was great to see you, Sarah!


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