Quiet Day, New Friend For Dexter, Mexican Stars Little Quilt

A quiet day was in order when I awoke to another sinus headache. Thankfully, my Dr called in an RX for me today so I should be right as rain in just a few days. I am prone to sinus infections and a Z-pack usually fixes me right up. I was able to finish piecing this little quilt (34″ x 34″) today. It will have some “magic” curved piecing added next…stay tuned!

Dexter met some new friends in our walk today. He’s usually the one smothering everyone with wet kisses but today he was surprised when this guy smacked one on him!

I’m heading in to town to pick up groceries and my RX. Only 4 more days until my DH arrives!

Categories: Uncategorized


  1. Love the Mexican Stars – beautiful. Really good pictures of Dexter and his “friends”. You are really fast on your feet! Wouldn’t want to meet that one w/o a fence between us.


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