Resting, Recuperating, and Antibiotics

This sinus infection has really taken it’s toll on me today. I sewed a bit this morning but soon found I was picking out more stitches than I was sewing so I put it away. The next step in this quilt is topstitching the curves and I’m afraid the stitching on my curves looked more than a bit wonky! I guess it will keep…


I lay down for a little rest after lunch and slept for 3 hours! I’m still feeling tired so I’ll keep listening to my body and continue to rest today.

This is a photo I snapped in the supermarket yesterday. I thought all the fresh and unusual fruits on display looked quite festive.

These are also pictures from a couple of days ago. I finally managed to get some snaps of the Gambel’s Quail by baiting them with some bird seed. they move so fast! Being quite shy, they scuttle about quickly jumping from one place of cover to another so it’s difficult to get them to stay in the open long enough for a photo.

Let’s hope the antibiotic is doing its job and I will have more energy tomorrow.


Categories: Birding, Eating on the Road, Sewing, Under The Weather


  1. Hey Lady, don’t push yourself so hard! Take it easy and let your body recuperate. The quilt is going to be fabulous. Love the pictures. We had snow today in KS, yuck.


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